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För närvarande så är det enbart partners och anställda hos Kyocera Document Solutions som kan registrera sig. Ditt lokala extranet är fortfarande tillgängligt via länken nedan
Remote Work, also known as “Smart Working” or “Working from Home”, is the ability to work from any place or location, without having to be present in a traditional corporate office. it is based on the idea that most professionals don’t actually need to commute to a specific place to perform their tasks effectively.
However, in order for professionals to work optimally, it is important to provide some guidance, or policies, so that both organisations and employees can benefit from Remote Working with greater flexibility, improved health and wellness, increased motivation, higher productivity and even significant cost savings.
Read more how to make Remote Working successful for your employees and organisation.
Download the e-book and discover why your organisation should employ such a policy.
Protect your cybersecurity, establish an ideal work-life balance and create a consistent work from home policy.