Please enter your username or email. We’ll send you an email with instructions on how to reset your password. If you have forgotten your username, did not receive the email to reset your password or need help, contact our support team.
Om du har lämnat en e-postadress som finns i vår databas kommer vi att svara inom…
You can request a new account by submitting your details to your local sales centre. Upon approval, we will email you a temporary password.
För närvarande så är det enbart partners och anställda hos Kyocera Document Solutions som kan registrera sig. Ditt lokala extranet är fortfarande tillgängligt via länken nedan
With hybrid working as the new norm, business operations are now taking place between the office, home and shared workplaces. There are more devices than ever connected to our shared databases. On the other hand, information, digital and paper-based, is growing at unprecedented rates.
Documents are scattered on desks or wedged into filing cabinets, while digital documents are stored in emails, personal folders and spread across shared networks. Basic tasks such as sourcing a contract to make some last-minute changes or scanning an invoice to admin is becoming unproductive and time-consuming.
In our more mobile and flexible workplace, content sprawl is causing new challenges, impeding collaboration, draining efficiency and creating frustration. What was once a simple task in our brick-and-mortar office, is no more.
Discover our full line-up of four brilliant colour A3 MFPs.