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Om du har lämnat en e-postadress som finns i vår databas kommer vi att svara inom…
You can request a new account by submitting your details to your local sales centre. Upon approval, we will email you a temporary password.
För närvarande så är det enbart partners och anställda hos Kyocera Document Solutions som kan registrera sig. Ditt lokala extranet är fortfarande tillgängligt via länken nedan
For further information about the content of the website please contact:
Kyocera Document Solutions Europe Management B.V.
Beechavenue 27
1119 RA Schiphol-Rijk
The Netherlands
Tel: +31(0)20-654-0000
Fax: +31(0)20-653-1256
Management Board of Kyocera Document Solutions Europe Management B.V.:
For Commercial Register information applicable to our subsidiaries, please see our country office nearest International Chamber of Commerce registration information.
The information contained under Legal Notices and Terms is in no way whatsoever intended to substitute written agreements made by Kyocera Document Solutions EMEA subsidiaries or affiliates with third parties. In the event that an unintended conflict exists, then the locally confirmed Agreement has priority. In the case where a business relationship exists, with as yet, no suitable text covering any of the above points, then, if local conditions allow, the text under Legal Notices and Terms shall apply.
© Kyocera Document Solutions Europe B.V.
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