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KYOCERA Net Manager

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woman pointing at screen with man sitting next to her

Utvecklad för Kyocera-enheter

Krav på operativsystem

Fungerar med Windows (2008+), DOS, Linux, AS400, SAP, UNIX och andra.


Stöder PIN, contact chip, kort och mer än 60 RFID teknologier.

Obegränsat med användare

Licensen baseras på antalet enheter.

Secure and efficient printing

Kyocera's server-based application, with the embedded Print&Follow™ function is designed to protect confidential data, manage the overall document output and related printing costs.
Document Security:
Log in with your ID card, PIN, or mobile device and “pull” your job from the server.
Every copier, scanner, and printer on your network becomes available to every user. No more queues!
Embedded terminals have easy-to-use functions personalised to your needs.
Data Security:
All data that travels across your print network is encrypted from end-to-end.
Process automation:
Go paperless with options such as scan-to-email, network folders, and cloud-based platforms.
Web Interface for administrators to set up automatic alerts, installation, and configuration.


  • KYOCERA Net Manager Dokumentation

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Our support team is here to help you with any queries about Kyocera products and services.

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